What’s every dog owner’s first priority? Keeping your dog safe and secure! In numerous cases an underground dog fence may be just the ticket. Perhaps your homeowner’s association doesn’t allow unsightly fencing that is going to contain the dog of yours. Maybe the expense associated with a traditional fence is simply not in the budget of yours. Maybe your determined dog keeps finding ways through, under or perhaps over your traditional fence. Regardless of the reason and underground dog fencing, when properly installed and your dog thoroughly trained, is a good, affordable solution and humane for many dogs.
What’s an underground dog fence? An underground dog fence is a system consisting of a radio transmitter, wire that acts as a transmitting antenna and a collar with a receiver that picks up the radio signal from the fence when your dog gets too close. When your dog enters the warning area near the wire the collar beeps warning him to stay back. In case he continues to go toward the wire he is going to receive a fixed shock or correction. A number of systems have progressive corrections so that the closer the dog progresses toward the wire the better the static shock he receives. There’s a bit of controversy about the humane aspect of giving you a shock to an animal to deter him. Most experts agree however that when an underground dog fence is properly installed and the dog is adequately educated to the fence that these methods are extremely humane and safe. Think about the alternative if your dog runs out into traffic or perhaps gets lost. There’s a little possibility of your dog being traumatized by the shock of he’s improperly trained and/or the correction levels are extremely large for your specific dog’s temperament and size. Appropriate training is essential to success with such systems. Indeed, it’s accurate that the dog of yours, hopefully, won’t like receiving the shock at most you like touching a door knob and getting a static shock. This’s the incentive of his to stay away from the boundary. While the shock is uncomfortable it’s not in itself dangerous to the animal. Most systems have automatic shut offs in case the animal doesn’t move out of the correction zone to protect him from over correction.
Compared to a traditional fence an underground dog fence is somewhat simple to set up and should take under one day with many applications. The most difficult part of the installation is burying the wire. I offer 4 methods of burying the wire. The first is to make use of a straight edge spade shovel and make use of it to dig down approximately three inches and create a V shaped trench to lay the wire in. The simply press the grass or perhaps dirt back in position. This’s probably the most challenging and cumbersome method. The next option is usually to make use of a gas powered lawn edger to cut a three inch deep trench. Lay the wire in the trench and replace the displaced press and dirt into place. The final strategy is usually to rent a trencher with a cable installation attachment. The trencher is going to cut the trench and lay the wire at the exact same time. The quarter strategy is usually to not bury the wire at all. Instead you are able to simple place the wire above ground and use Pet Fence Staples to keep it in place. This strategy works very well for low traffic areas and in grassy areas where wire will lay deep in the turf. If you’ve to cross a driveway or perhaps sidewalk with the wire you are going to need to make use of a masonry blade to cut a groove in the concrete or perhaps asphalt and after that use caulk to seal the wire into place.
There are lots of factors associated with selecting the best underground dog fence system. Several of these factors are discussed below. Later on I will make certain recommendations based on these elements. Wireless dog fences aren’t considered in this dialogue.